Comunicati Giovani

Bike for a #FreePalestine

🚴🏽 Biciclettata nel centro di Torino di solidarietà col popolo palestinese 🇵🇸 e di informazione sul dramma della Palestina, organizzata dai Giovani PSM di Torino in collaborazione con l’Ass. Islamica delle Alpi domenica 23 Maggio.

مبادرة جولة الدراجات الهوائية في وسط طورينو للتضامن مع الشعب الفلسطيني والتعريف بقضيته العادلة يوم الأحد 23 مايو.

Video of the bicycle tour in the center of Turin [italy] for solidarity with the Palestinian people and information about the tragedy of Palestine, organized by @giovanipsm of Turin in collaboration with the Ass. Islamic of the Alps Sunday 23 May.

#FreePalestine #GazaUnderAttack #SaveSheikhJarrah

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